Meanwhile, Online FTP client also supports variety of FTP technology like FTP, FTPS, SFTP and WebDAV. It might be a quick and easy FTP solution to upload files on your ftp server.

AnyClient is a web based java applet FTP client services. The Anyclient interfaces is similar like desktop FTP client has the classic two column view (the online files on the right and the offline files on the left) with the upload / download arrows.
Plus more, AnyClient online ftp services comes with a profile manager that lets you store site profiles locally. This way can save your time connect to any FTP site without filling login, assuming you don’t wipe your cookies on a regular basis.
Visit AnyClient Online FTP Services

FTP Live is a pure HTML web based ftp services which doesn't requires any java component or other plugin. But FTP live services still can performs like desktop FTP software perform uploading and delete files from your FTP services. The only limitation of FTP live is lack of user friendly on their navigation and restricts the maximum upload size to 16MB.
That size can be raised in the Pro version. The Pro version allows you to upload up to 300MB, login via a secure (https) page, along with no ads.
Visit FTP Live - Online FTP services

Net2FTP is an advanced online FTP services that provides the most similar functionality like desktop FTP software. The FTP features that Net2FTP are chmoding, renaming, deleting, downloading, etc, uploading and can be done in three different ways like the standard upload form, the upload-and-unzip functionality, and the Java Applet.
Meanwhile, Net2FTP can copy or move to a 2nd FTP server which import files to your FTP server, or to export files from your FTP server to another FTP server. Beside that, Net2FTP has the Search files features for words or phrases which it can filter out files based on the filename, last modification time and file size.
Another useful feature of net2ftp provides HTML Code editor features that able to edit HTML and PHP files online with a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) form either using FCKEditor or TinyMCE. Plus more, Syntax highlighting features to highlight the PHP code syntax on code editor.
Beside that, Net2FTP also provides their online FTP client source code for public download. You can download the online FTP source code and build your own online FTP client hosted on your site.
Visit Net2FTP - Online FTP services
I personally think net2FTP is the best online FTP client that i ever use. Meanwhile, i noticed there are many online FTP clients out there but i don't mention it because mostly of them is using Net2FTP code and build their own online FTP client brand name.
So, how do you think about online FTP client or you have a better online FTP client doesn't mention. Let us know via comment

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